In 2017 AVENCOM LLP completed the registration of the trademark “AVENCOM” in “Kazakhstan National Institute of Intellectual property” of the Ministry of Justice of the Repulic of Kazakhstan.

The registration of trademark property gives the protection for it to our company on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As “AVENCOM” trademark owner AVENCOM LLP can control the usage of this trademark, in particular:

– for all produced, stored, available for sale and advertisement goods and labels;

– for all works and services required to render the trademark maintenance;

– for all documentation accompanied with goods on commercial market;

– for all sale, works, services provision offers in public media;

– for all Internet domain and other addressing relevant services; 

№456 Law of Kazakhstan dated 26.07.1999 “On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appelation of Origin” protects the usage of AVENCOM trademark now.

The increasing importance of trademarks in commercial sector is caused by heavy competition between companies having their business in the country. 

Trademarks are used by customers for perception and assosiation of products and services with quality and relevancy.

Trademark can be considered as communication tool used by manufacturers for attracting the customers.

It can be also considered as unique indentifier in the world of goods with the same paradigm applied for the world of people. 

Currently AVENCOM LLP goes through the “AVENCOM” trademark registration process in 11 countries of the world.

registration trademark